Your Favourite Rapper ?

Nyaya Dzerudo
'Farai's Tapes: Nyaya Dzerudo' is my latest project, an EP which was figuratively and literally a labour of love, The conception of the EP came directly after I was awarded the LUArts Scholarship. After getting it I was left with the problem of having something to produce for the scholarship showcase. Thankfully one failed 'relationship' later I knew exactly what to talk about. The problem with these type of projects is it's difficult to say anything interesting without coming off as bitter or overly victimising yourself. So from a writing perspective I chose to amalgamate 3 or 4 past relationships as a sort of smoke and mirrors tactic. I'll leave the level of my success to your judgement. The project has five songs and it tries to tell the story of an unnamed protagonists moving on from a failed 'relationship'. Ultimately the growth arc does not fully play out and the EP ends with the protagonist reminiscing about what could have been.
To give the project a listen click below.